Meet Our Team
Brooklyn E. Joiner is currently a Selection Specialist with Dennis A. Joiner and Associates. Her role includes conducting job analysis, development of assessment centers, and writing promotional written exams. She has assisted in conducting promotional assessment centers for the Salinas Fire Department in California, the California State University - Sacramento Police Department, the Corpus Christi Fire Department in Texas, the City of Fort Lauderdale Police Department in Florida, the City of Rochester Police Department in Minnesota, the Clark County Fire Department in Nevada, the Reno Fire Department in Nevada, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Nevada, and the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department in California. Brooklyn has written promotional knowledge tests for the Lubbock Fire Department in Texas, the Clark County Fire Department in Nevada, the Edison Police Department in New Jersey, the City of Hollywood Police Department in Florida, and the Corpus Christi Police and Fire Departments in Texas.
Prior to joining Dennis A. Joiner and Associates, Brooklyn worked as the Program Administrator at the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District. She was responsible for managing the Volunteer Firefighter Program which accounted for over 300 firefighters at 13 volunteer stations. During her time with Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, she assisted in the creation of the Reserve Firefighter Program in which she recruited, tested, and selected 40 Reserve firefighters. Once the department had been established, Brooklyn assisted in two promotional examinations and two firefighter/paramedic examinations.
Before moving over to Truckee Meadows Fire Department, Brooklyn was a Human Resource Analyst with Washoe County. Her primary role was to assist with establishing the local fire department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District. In as little as six months, the department went from zero employees to 130 at eleven career stations. Recruitment, testing and selection included Firefighter, Firefighter/Paramedic, Equipment Operator, Fire Captain, Fire Battalion Chief, and Fire Chief.
Brooklyn's Bachelor's Degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Human Resources was obtained in 2011 from University of Nevada - Reno. Brooklyn's Master of Business Administration Degree in the area of Community Relations from University of Nevada - Reno was granted in 2014 with a 3.8 out of 4.0 grade point average.
In addition to both undergraduate and graduate education, Brooklyn holds a variety of Fire and Emergency Services Certifications including Master Public Information Certificate – Instructor Chris Ryan; IS – 29 Public Information Officer Awareness IS – 42 Social Media in Emergency Management; IS – 230 Fundamentals of Emergency Management; IS - 201 Forms Used for the Development of the IAP; IS – 100 Introduction to Incident Command System; IS – 200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incident; IS – 700 National Incident Management System; IS – 702A National Incident Management System – Public Information Awareness; IS – 800 National Response Framework; IS – 910 Emergency Management Preparedness Fundamentals; Nevada Hazardous Materials Awareness; FEMA E-105 Public Information and Warning; NWCG S110/130/190 Basic Wildland Training and NWCG Fire Shelter Avoidance.
Brooklyn is also involved in the Western Regional Intergovernmental Personnel Assessment Council and is a member of Personnel Testing Counil - Northern California and the International Personnel Assessment Council.
Since 1977, Dennis Joiner has worked as a Human Resources Management Consultant (Assessment Specialist) specializing in the development and administration of content valid assessment centers, technical knowledge tests and situational judgment tests for employee selection and career development. From August 1977 through September 1980, Dennis was Project Director for the Management Assessment Center Program for the California State Personnel Board. In September of 1980 he established the consulting firm: Dennis A. Joiner and Associates, based in Fair Oaks, Sacramento County, California.
The majority of assessment processes he has administered for employee selection, promotion and career development have been for Public Safety classifications (including all supervisory and management ranks of Law Enforcement and Fire/Emergency Services); other processes have included a wide variety of classifications such as Ranger Supervisor, Personnel Director, General Services Director, Social Services Director, Municipal Transit Manager, City Engineer, Airport Operations Manager, Retirement System Director, Actuary, Finance Director, Service Center Manager, Vice President - Sales and Marketing, Customer Service Manager and Director of Marketing and Public Information
In addition to developing and administering assessment processes, Dennis has conducted formal training courses and provided on-the-job training and consultation for state, city and county personnel and human resources departments that were interested in developing or improving their internal capabilities in assessment, including ASTD, IPMA, IPAC (formerly IPMAAC) and WRIPAC sponsored workshops. Other relevant experience includes development and administration of oral and written examinations for entry level and promotional level jobs for a variety of public organizations at the state and local levels.
Formal presentations to professional groups include presentations on assessment and assessor training at the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) Assessment Council Conferences (1981, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004 & 2009), the International Conference on Assessment Centers for Police, Corrections and Fire Services (1984 & 1985), International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC) Conferences (2009, 2010 & 2012), the annual International Congress on the Assessment Center Method (1981, 1988, 1990, 1994 & 2004), and numerous other presentations at the international, national, regional, state and local levels for personnel/human resources professional groups. Also, Dennis was a member of the task force which updated the 1989 and 2008 "Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations" and he was Co-Chair of the 1990 International Congress on the Assessment Center Method.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Master of Science in Psychological Counseling; further studies in Personnel and Organizational Psychology.
Publications include "Assessment Centers: What's New?" Public Personnel Management, (Vol. 31 No. 2, 2002); "Demystifying Assessment Center Exercises", Fire Chief, (Vol. 34 No. 9, 1990); "Content Valid Testing for Supervisory and Management Jobs", Personnel Assessment Monographs (Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1987); "Testing for Knowledge, Skills and Abilities", in More, Harry W. and Unsinger, Peter C. (Ed.): The Police Assessment Center (Thomas: Springfield, 1987), and his articles in the California Peace Officer (Vol. 6, No. 3, Sept. 1986), "Using an Assessment Center in Career Development"; the Public Personnel Management Journal (Vol. 13, No. 4, Winter 1984), "Assessment Centers in the Public Sector: A Practical Approach"; the Journal of California Law Enforcement (Vol. 17, No. 2, 1983), "Use of Assessment Centers in Law Enforcement Promotions" and in the Journal of Assessment Center Technology (Vol. 5, No. 1, 1982), "Description of the San Francisco Police Captain Assessment Center" (coauthored with K. Hurley and R. Wong).
Professional Associations and Awards: Memberships include the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) Northern California Chapter; the Personnel Testing Council (PTC) of Northern California, PTC of Southern California and the International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC). Dennis was a Cofounder and first President of the PTC of Northern California and served five years on the Board of Directors of the IPMA Assessment Council (1987-1992) including one year as President (1990-1991). Dennis was granted the IPMA-Certified Professional designation in 2001; in 2003 he was awarded the Stephen E. Bemis Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to the assessment profession and in 2006 the Personnel Testing Council - Northern California rewarded Dennis with Life Membership for his professional contributions.